Now you've been using your
Roku for a while and it's hunky-dory all over. Then one day you're clicking on
the remote buttons and nothing is happening. Roku Remote is Not Working
This is an easy fix to do in
just 3 minutes. There are plenty of blogs and forums that will give you bad
advice about how to address the 'Roku Remote Stop Working' situation-please do
NOT do any of these: perform a factory reset on the Roku box.
Swap your old remote and buy
a new one.
A Roku Box factory reset
isn't going to make a difference. Buying a new remote, well, that's going to
work but it's not needed and it's a bit crazy.
If your Roku remote stopped
working, here's what you need to do: remove the batteries from the device.
Look carefully into the
Remote's battery compartment and find the purple button shown circled in red,
below: unplug the Roku control.
Wait 5 seconds. Wait.
Link back control to Roku.
Wait on screen for the Roku
banner to bounce around.
Put the remote batteries back
Click and hold for 5 seconds
the purple button in the Remote battery compartment.
Wait until Roku finishes
booting up.
You should be ready to go
now. I'm going to bet you're glad you didn't restart the plant, yes?
Better still, you must be
pleased that you, too, have not spent more cash on a new phone.
Perhaps this wasn't working
for you until we gloat. If you've tried this with no luck a few times now
you're REALLY pissed and I don't blame you for that. In just 5 more minutes, my
mate, I'll tell you how to get this straightened out. Take a breath of
cleanliness, grab your mobile and go get the Roku Remote Control App from here
or go on your computer to the App Store and check for "Roku Remote
Control" We both have an Android and an iPhone version
The truth is that the Roku
Remote Control Software is superior to the time of Roku Remote Control. If the
Roku Remote gets lost in the cushions, or when Fido stimulates his gums with
it, it is a perfect backup if for no other reason. I assume that by now you are
enjoying your show. If none of the above suggestions work, keep your web
browsing around. There's maybe another article that'll get you back on track.
Fix Roku Remote is
Not Working with the Help of our
experienced team. Contact Us at our toll-free 1-855-948-3906.
It may be possible sometimes you want to watch your favorite TV shows and the Roku remote not responding.