Monday, 11 May 2020

Roku Remote is Not Working

After a hard day's work, you plop down on the couch ready to watch some TV only to find that your Rokuremote doesn't work. Fortunately there aren't too many issues with a Roku remote that can go wrong. Below is a list of troubleshooting steps that you can take easily to get you back to your binge-watching.

Know Your Roku Remote 

It's best to know what kind of Roku Remote you have before you start troubleshooting. Below is a breakdown of Roku models which usually ship remotely with your streaming stick or device.

Test for Blocked IR Signal 
Test Your Batteries 
For Improved Remotes: Reboot Roku Remote and Roku Player or Stick 
Re-Pair Roku Remote
Roku Streaming Stick Only: Check Your HDMI Connector
Check Your Network Connection 
Install Roku App
Replace Roku Remote 

If you find that your remote is hot to the touch, stop using it right away. Place the remote to cool off on a non-flammable surface. When refrigerated, replace the batteries. Batteries that fail or leak can cause overheating, which can damage or render the remote useless. If this is the case, the remote would need to be replaced. You can either go directly to or somewhere like Amazon which sells both licensed Roku remotes and third-party compatible ones

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