Roku stream content from the Internet, that’s why it
needs good Internet connectivity to stream your favourite video. And most of
the customer face problem of slow Internet speed or error with contacting
device to the network.
When the Roku device found slow Internet speed, then it
displays an error message which is known as “Roku error code 018”, one of the
most common errors faced by the people while streaming their favourite TV show.
Roku Error code 018 occurs due to a poor Internet/network
connection and you have to remove the error to enjoy your show. There are a
number of troubleshooting tips available to fix error code 018 in Roku.
Let’s start with the first steps to troubleshooting Roku
error 018.
Steps to Resolve Roku Error Code 018
of all, check that Internet connection is working and your router receives
signals from your ISP (Internet Services Provider).
a quick test to make sure your Internet working properly. Try to open some
website like Google, YouTube, etc on another
device. If you are able to open these websites that means your router is
working fine.
check the name of the network your Roku device is connected. Make sure it
connected with your home network and receive signals.
the strength of your wi-fi signals. You can check the signal strength of your
wi-fi router on your Roku device.
the steps below to check signal strength:
Home button on Roku remote.
to Setting, Click on Network.
About from the list.
you can find your Signal Strength.
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